
Monday, January 22, 2007

I was tagged!

Cindy Lou tagged me. Here are my answers:

A-Available or Taken: Definitely Taken

B-Best Friend: Delvin

C-Cake or Pie: Cake--White cake with strawberries and whip cream topping

D-Drink of Choice: Diet Coke with Lime

E-Essential Item You Use Everyday: my computer and cell phone

F-Favorite Color: I really like yellow and orange because they're happy and warm colors

G-Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears all the way; I went to elementary school in Germany and love the authentic ones (Haribo)

H-Hometown: I was a military brat so I have no official hometown :-)

I-Indulgence: a nice massage

J-January or February: February--gotta love Valentine's Day and Black History Month

K-Kids and Names: Mason 7, Miles 4, and Maya 2

L-Life is Incomplete Without: my wonderful family

M-Marriage Date: we're not officially married but we've been together since July 2000

N-Number of Siblings: one younger brother

O-Oranges or Apples: Oranges, and these freezing temps we've had recently are bumming me out since they're hurting our citrus crops :-(

P-Phobias or Fears: bugs, geese, mice and other rodents

Q-Favorite Quote: Do or do not, there is no try--Yoda. This kinda sums up my attitude in life

R-Reason to Smile: I have a great family--wonderful kids and a man who loves me and supports me unconditionally

S-Season: it used to be summer but I really love Fall in the Bay Area

T-Tag 3 or 4 people: ack--everyone I read has been tagged. . .how about Laura, Mynee, and Karen
U-Unknown fact about me: I was on the crew team in college

V-Vegetable you don't like: Lima Beans

W-Worst Habit: I pick at the skin on my fingers/around my nails

X-Xrays: Teeth, and lots of ultrasounds

Y-Your fave food: I'm making this a meal--med rare filet mignon, caesar salad, potatoes, and a nice glass of red wine

Z-Zodiac: I'm a scorpio

This was fun!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you played! We have a lot in common huh?
    Too much fun even if hubby is in the backround rolling his eyes when I read them all, he just doesnt get it!!


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