
Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday Checkin

So, after a week of working out I've lost a whopping 1.5 pounds. . .the other day it said 3 and I was hoping it would stay there. I know it fluctuates but WAH!!!!!!!!

I know I need to get a little better with the eating but I did work out 4 days this week--30 minutes on the treadmill and The Perfect Pushup workout. The Perfect Pushup is kicking my butt--I can totally feel it in my arms, chest, and abs.

I want to add Yoga a few days because I really need the flexibility. . .

Darnit, I need to hit the lottery because work really gets in the way of things :-) At least I like what I do for a living.


  1. Way to go! Keep up the good work and maybe you'll even inspire me (LOL - then wouldn't we both feel great)smile

  2. Awesome Kathy! It is still 1.5 lbs down, not up! & don't weight yourself to much. I only way myself at home once 2 days before my "official" weigh in otherwise I feel that we become obsessed with the scale. You must feel great though working out.

  3. You go girl! I am so impressed with your exercise. I am trying to get in shape too. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone.

  4. that's awesome, girl! keep it up and consider either weighing once a week or no at all, measure your success on how you feel and your clothes fit it's not as discouraging that way. keep it up

  5. Great job on the 1.5 you're probably building muscles if you're doing those perfect pushups WOW!! I am working on working out too! It's not as easy as they say!! Way to go!


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